game rewards
a total of 50,000,000 tokens have been allocated. We assume distribution of all these tokens within 6 years. Well, almost everyone. This distribution will have a kind of halving, like Bitcoin:
1 year - 25.000.000 tokens (50%)
2 year - 12.500.000 tokens (25%)
3 year - 6.250.000 tokens (12.5%)
4 year - 3.125.000 tokens (6.25%)
5 year - 1.562.500 tokens (3.125%)
6 year - 1.562.500 tokens (3.125%)
such unlocking of tokens will help the project to gradually conquer the market without allowing the price to fall sharply. After all the tokens have been issued, custom tournaments will take up most of all tournaments.
There will be 4 types of tournaments in our game. In the first year, the amount of tokens will be allocated for each of the tournaments:
dayly tournaments - 3.728.000 tokens (15%) 233 tournaments, 16.000 for every tournament
weekly tournaments - 3.728.000 tokens (15%) 44 tournaments, 72.000 for every tournament
monthly tournaments - 4.992.000 tokens (20%) 12 tournaments, 416.000 for every tournament
majors - 12.500.000 tokens (50%) 4 tournaments, 3.125.000 for every major
such a reward distribution system should provoke players to participate in these tournaments and arouse great interest in monthly and major tournaments.
We also decided that entry to daily tournaments should be free, and entry to other tournaments should cost 0.1% of the prize pool. So the entrance to the daily tournament will cost 72, and the entrance to the monthly 416.
Last updated